Types of therapy
Possible Types Of Therapy
Find more information below about the types of therapy available
Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing – This is the first type of therapy to recommend after experiencing a traumatic event, as what it aims to achieve is to neutralise the emotional charge around the event. It will allow you to separate the emotions from the event and not get so upset or triggered when you think back to it. This is a relatively new treatment that can help with PTSD symptoms like getting startled easily. It entails revisiting the painful incident while making rhythmic eye movements. The fast eye movements are meant to mimic the way your brain processes memories and events while you sleep.
EMDR UK and Ireland – This is a professional organisation of EMDR Clinicians which can help you find a therapist and provide more information on the topic.
Internal Family Systems Therapy – This philosophy recognises that we are all made up of different parts. These parts are not just feeling but distinct ways of being, with their own beliefs, agendas, and roles in the overall ecology of our lives. Learn more on this type of therapy by clicking here.
Neurofeedback is a non-invasive way to measure and control your brain waves, which all your thoughts are composed of. It mechanically disrupts negative brain patterns. Then stimulates more constructive brain circuits that create new patterns of thoughts
Dr. Sebern explains how neurofeedback can help with a traumatic past “with neurofeedback we hope to intervene in the circuitry that promotes and sustains states of fear and traits of fearfulness, shame and rage. It is the repetitive firing of these circuits that defines trauma”. Patients need help to change the habitual brain patterns created by trauma and its aftermath. When the fear patterns relax, the brain becomes less susceptible to automatic stress reactions and better able to focus on ordinary events – it is a function of how we label and react to them. Neurofeedback simply stabilises the brain and increases resiliency, allowing us to develop more choices in how to respond.
You can find out more about it in the book ‘the body keeps the score’ or here.
This is a type of therapy that can either be in group form or individually with a therapist. In group form the people in the group will represent key individuals in your life and around your problem and the therapist will allow you to work through the issue with them. Otherwise, objects in the room can be used to represent these key people in your life. It is useful as it allows you to bring you inner reality to the outside world and restructure inner maps. Find a London based therapist here.
How to access treatment
To access treatment through the NHS you can talk to your GP first. Click the link above for advice on how to talk to your GP
Organizations that could offer therapy or put you in touch with local organizations
You might be able to self refer and directly access the IAPT (Improving access to psychological therapies) in your area.
Find a private independent psychologist on their website. You can filter by your specifications.